Secondary Library Resources

Welcome to the Secondary Resource Page


Created by over fifty librarians, educators and researchers, Sweet Search leverages Google for vetted websites. lets you sift through international newspapers from around the world, in the language of your choice.

Whichbook refines your search for books based on characteristics of plot, gender, age and more.

National Geographic is the staple for exploring the world. There’s always something to find here.

Reliable data on countries and their economies, gathered and compiled by the World Bank.


The Library of Congress is a gold mine for any historical need. It provides documents, videos and other sources on pretty much any topic.

Newsela keeps you up to date with the world. Ask your teacher for your personal login details.

Encyclopedia of Life gives global access to knowledge about life on earth.

The National Science Digital Library allows for refined searches that serve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.

World Digital Library references primary documents, gives timelines, interactive maps on a variety of themes.


Conversational search engine that uses large language models to provide comprehensive and informative answers to complex questions.


JStor offers upper level academic publications to direct your research. This is a password-protected subscription.

The Extended Essay Resources is a compilation of resources specifically targeted to help IB students with the EE. Start here to orient yourself.

The Modern Language Association, Citation Machine, and the Purdue Writing Center Click any of these to learn how to correctly cite your work.

Make sure your work is verified and honest to avoid misuse of resources or plagiarism. Turnitin is a paid resource, so ask your librarian for access.
