ECA has established online protocols to communicate different types of information. These have been created to streamline and simplify information and communication.
Seesaw, Google Classroom & Google Sites – These platforms are used to provide students and parents with day-to-day information. Depending on the grade level, these are the tools teachers use to communicate information related to classwork, class, assignments, homework, and upcoming class events. Students and parents can use these platforms to access homework assignments, work missed due to absences, and blended learning and online assignments.
Skyward – Skyward is the ECA student information management system. It is the business tool for the school and is used for student / parent / family information, report cards, attendance, billing, and other types of information. It is also the medium used for direct email communications from the school, and can be used for contacting school personnel.
Campo News / ECA Website – This is the storage site for general school information. The ECA website is where you can find calendars, important policies and procedures , upcoming events, and other information. In most cases, weekly information appears first in the Campo News and via email and is then transferred to the school website.
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram – These social media sources are used to communicate current information, announcements and pictures of recent school related events.
In the event of a school closure or emergency situations, the information will be communicated to the community through Skyward, email, WhatsApp and the school website.

Community Education
Escuela Campo Alegre has a history of providing activities for the community. ECA students, parents, faculty and staff often spend early morning hours, evenings and weekends on campus enjoying the various facilities and programs that are offered each academic year.
As part of the Community Education network, we provide fee-based after school programs including soccer, ballet, karate, swimming, gymnastics, and music lessons for students. An “After School Activities” team coordinates and oversees these programs in order to provide structure and communication between parents, students and the instructors/coaches.
ECA parents are invited to attend classes that begin just after drop-off or just prior to pick-up times each day: Art, language classes, yoga, fitness training and Zumba instruction represent some of the available parent activities.
The weekly edition of the Campo News provides regular information updates. Emails about upcoming events and activities are sent via Skyward. The Campo News Events Information provides an overview of what’s new and helps to keep track of the operation of the facilities, the swimming pool, and available gym sessions. This information is available for all registered ECA community members.

Health Department
The ECA Health Office is open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm each school day. There are two registered nurses on staff. The health office gives first aid, medications, and advice on health matters to the ECA community. Injuries, illnesses and infrequent cases of asthma, hypoglycemic episodes, allergic reactions and other occurrences are matters that are most attended to.
Please remember to inform the school nurse of any medical conditions which affect your child, such as asthma, heart conditions, seizures, diabetes, and allergic reactions. If your child needs to take any medications, please bring it to the Nurse’s Office accompanied by the doctor’s prescription; unless it is an over the counter medication.
For any questions and more information, contact:
Direct Line: (0212) 993-0658

Parent Association
The objective of the ECA Parent Association (PA) is to promote active and cooperative involvement of parents, teachers, school officials, and students in seeking the highest quality education and other related school activities for the students. All parents or guardians are automatically members of the PA by virtue of the enrollment of their children. Working together with the ECA administration we strengthen our children’s learning and contribute to bring our community together. Email: pa@ecak12.com